TTE-CI SATSOP, WASHINGTON August 13-15, 2024

08/13/2024 08:00 AM - 08/15/2024 05:00 PM ET


PLEASE SEE ATTACHED LINK,  CLICK HERE TO COMLETE MANDATORY 2ND PART OF REGISTRATION WITH OBP. THIS MUST BE COMPLETED AT TIME OF REGISTRATION.  Completion of this 2 part registration is necessary for participation at this event. Thank you for your cooperation.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Office for Bombing Prevention (OBP) has contracted the USBTA to run a 3-day Technology Training Exercise for Critical Infrastructure at the retired Satsop Nuclear Power Plant in Elma Washington.

The USBTA, OBP, FBI, and the Washington State Patrol, along with a variety of Industry will conduct a Technology Training Event involving multiple disciplines and equipment related to Military and Public Safety Bomb Technicians, missions in a Critical Infrastructure environment.

Under the supervision of USBTA and Observer Controllers (OCs), the Bomb Technicians will have classroom and hands on training with State-of-the-Art Equipment including X-Ray, Robotics, Bomb Suits, Rigging, UAV’s, Disruptors, Shape Charges and receive information on Emerging Threats and Case Studies.

The Location for this training is: Satsop Business Park 150 Technology Way Elma Washington 98541

The dates for this event will be from Tuesday August 13 through Thursday August 15, 2024. Travel days are August 12 and 16, 2024.

Hotel for the event: Lucky Eagle Hotel 12888 188th Ave Rochester Washington 98579.


Monday August 12, Travel-in day for all Participants 1600-1800 Early Sign-in will take place at

Lucky Eagle Hotel 12888 188th Ave Rochester Washington 98579.

Shipping for the event:

Washington State Patrol Supply Section

8543 Armstrong Rd. SW Tumwater WA 98512

Points of Contact:

Paul Perricone USBTA

Amber Lowe USBTA

Neon CRM by Neon One